Savings Seahorses, Saving The Seas

About Project Seahorse
Project Seahorse is an international group dedicated to securing a world where marine ecosystems are healthy and well-managed, using seahorses as a flagship species to generate action. Led by award-winning marine biologist Amanda Vincent and co-founder Heather Koldewey, Project Seahorse has made significant progress and measurable gains in marine conservation around the world. By working to protect seahorses and their habitats, they are also working to ensure marine ecosystems are healthy and well-managed. For over 25 years Project Seahorse has been advancing marine conservation. They hold a number of conservation achievements, including creating 35 marine protected areas, initiating the first global export controls for marine fishes, and now setting sights on working to end illegal wildlife trade and bottom trawling.

About Project Seahorse
We're calling on people to help raise much needed funds for Project Seahorse and advocate for their oceans. By building an army of ocean ambassadors we can showcase how local actions can have global impact. Join the conversation on Social Media and get involved too by sharing your own ocean stories and tagging #OurOceanHome @TaylorsWines @ProjectSeahorse