International Agents
International Agents
Asia Pacific
Cambodia (Wakefield Taylors Family Wines)
Liquid Assets
Level 1, No. 248
Street 63, BKK1
Phnom Penh
Kingdom of Cambodia
Tel: +855 ( 0 ) 292 999
Website: www.liquidassets.com.kh
China (Wakefield Taylors Family Wines)
Email: margaret.harris@taylorswines.com.au
Cook Islands (Taylors)
The Bond Ltd
PO Box 814
Cook Islands
Tel: +68 2 21 007
Email: trish@thebond.co.ck
Fiji (Taylors)
Motibhai Group of Companies
P O Box 9175, Nadi Airport, Fiji
Tel: +679 6722 477
Website: www.motibhai.com
Hong Kong (Wakefield Taylors Family Wines)
Jebsen Beverage Co. Ltd
21/F Hysan Place, 500 Hennessy Road,
Causeway Bay
Hong Kong
Tel: +852 3757 6519
Email: support@jebsenwinesandspirits.com
Japan (Wakefield Taylors Family Wines)
Meidi-Ya Company Ltd
Meidi-Ya Building
2-8 Kyobashi, 2-Chome, Chuo-Ku.
Tokyo, Japan
Tel: +81 ( 0 )3 3271 1136
Website: www.meidi-ya.co.jp
Macau (Wakefield Taylors Family Wines)
Email: laurence.lau@taylorswines.com.au
Malaysia (Wakefield Taylors Family Wines)
Caldbeck Macgregor (M) Sdn. Bhd.
No.9, Jalan Pemaju Pemaju U1/15, Seksyen U1,
Hicom Glenmarie Industrial Park,
40150 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
Tel: +603 5569 2283
Website: www.foodwinemalaysia.com
New Zealand (Taylors)
Taylor Brown
Unit 12, Building D
43 Apollo Drive
Rosedale, 0632 Auckland, New Zealand
Tel: +64 9447 3801
Fax: +64 ( 0 ) 9447 3800 Email: info@taylorbrown.co.nz
Website: www.taylorbrown.co.nz
Pacific Islands & Micronesia, America Samoa, Christmas Island, New Caledonia, Norfolk Island, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea - excluding Fiji (Taylors)
Marc Fahey & Associates Pty Limited
Suite 25B
2 Beattie Street
Balmain NSW 2041
Tel: +612 9818 5555
Philippines (Wakefield Taylors Family Wines)
Philon Trade Group, Inc.
Unit 2017, Cityland Contominium 10,
Tower 2, 154 HV Dela Costa Street,
Salcedo Village,
Makati City 1229,
Philippines, 1200
Tel: +63 893 4182
Email: philon@jbdnet.com
Singapore (Wakefield Taylors Family Wines)
Bottles and Bottles Pty Ltd.
#04-05 10 Changi South Street 3
Singapore 486147
Tel: +65 6388 4102
Vietnam (Wakefield Taylors Family Wines)
Dai Hong Phuc Corporation
(Food & Wine Company)
15/4 Bis Tran Hung Dao Street,
Ward Nguyen Thai Binh,
District 1 Ho Chi Minh City,
Tel: +84 808 3821 8425
Email: cuongiz@gmail.com
Sri Lanka (Wakefield Taylors Family Wines)
Rockland Distilleries (Pvt) Ltd
160/24 Kirimandala Mawatha
Colombo 05
Sri Lanka
Tel: +94 11 442 6100
Fax: +94 11 255 3983
Taiwan (Wakefield Taylors Family Wines)
Dollars Warehouse Co. Ltd
No.463, Min Tsu 1st Road,
80794, Taiwan, R.O.C
Tel: +886 7 3926 900
Fax:+886 7 3926 861
Website: http://www.prez.com.tw
Website: http://www.dols.com.tw
Thailand (Wakefield Taylors Family Wines)
Bangkok Liquor Co.
3/1 Covent Road,
Tel: +66 2 674-7901
Website: www.bangkokliquor.com
Austria (Wakefield)
Mack & Schühle AG
Neue Str. 45 - D 73277 Owen/Teck
Tel: 49( 0 )7021-5701-0
Website: www.mack-schuehle.de
Denmark (Wakefield)
Haller Vine A/S
Mandal Alle 8x5500 Middelfart
Tel: +45 64 40 64 51
Website: www.hallervine.dk
Finland (Wakefield)
Social Wines Ltd
Kalevankatu 30, 6th Floor
FI-00100 Helsinki
Tel: +358 50 575 2245
Email: info@socialwines.fi
Website: www.socialwines.fi
Germany (Wakefield)
Mack & Schühle AG
Neue Str. 45 - D 73277 Owen/Teck
Tel: 49( 0 )7021-5701-0
Website: www.mack-schuehle.de
Hungary (Wakefield)
Austral Express Kft
Fehérvári út 235/9/29
1116 Budapest,
Tel: +36 30 200 4944
Email: austral.express@chello.hu
The Netherlands (Wakefield)
Gastrovino Shop BV
Nijverheidscentrum 22
2761 JP Zevenhuizen
Tel: +31 ( 0 )180 329 783
Email: webshop@gastrovino.nl
Website: www.gastrovino.nl
Poland (Wakefield)
Rolmex S.A.
UL. Olkuska 7,
02-604 Warszawa
Tel: +48 (22) 54 28 000
Email: kontakt@winkolekcja.pl
Website: www.winkolekcja.pl
Republic of Ireland (Wakefield)
Slovak Republic (Wakefield)
Ebac Spol,
S.R.O.Levická cesta 3,
949 01 Nitra
Tel: +386 421 37 6554181
Email: ebac@ebac.sk
Sweden (Wakefield)
Enjoy Wine & Spirits AB,
Alsnögatan 11,
SE-116 41
Tel: +46 ( 0 ) 8 662 1800
Email: hello@wineworldsweden.com
India (Wakefield Taylors Family Wines)
Ace Beveragez PVT LTD
F-16, Okhla Industrial Area Phase 1
2nd Floor, New Delhi 110020, India
Tel: +91 011 4050 3560
North America
Canada - British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba (Wakefield)
The Bacchus Group
1120, 13560 Maycrest Way
Richmond BC
V6V 2W9
Tel: +1 604 279 1500 ext 223
Website: www.bacchusgroup.ca
Canada - Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Labrador (Wakefield)
Mainbrace International
P.O. Box 27177
NS B3H 4M8
Tel: +1 902 442 6193
Email: contact@mainbrace.ca
Website: www.mainbrace.ca
Canada - New Brunswick (Wakefield)
New Brunswick Liquor Corporation
170 Chemin Wilsey Road,
New Brunswick,
E3B 5B8
Tel: +1 506 452 6573
Email: info@anbl.com
Canada - Ontario (Wakefield)
Profile Wine Group
156 Duncan Mill Rd., Unit #23
Toronto, Ontario
M3B 3N2
Tel: +1 416-598-0033
Website: www.profilewinegroup.com
Canada - Quebec (Wakefield)
Selections Frechette
1130 Sherbrooke St W #1320,
Montreal, Quebec
J4B 5S7
Tel: +1 514-868-2020
Website: www.selectionsfrechette.com
United States of America (Wakefield)
Taub Family Selections
777 S Flagler Drive
Ste 1201A West Tower
West Palm Beach
FL 33401
Tel: +1 561 893 9998
Email: info@taubfamilyco.com
United Kingdom
Northern Ireland (Wakefield)
United Kingdom (Wakefield)
Freixenet Copestick
2100 First Avenue, Newbury Business Park
Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 2PZ, UK
Tel: +44 ( 0 ) 1635 242 400
Website: https://www.freixenetcopestick.com