Chill Pumpkin Pizza with Goats Cheese & Maple Syrup

Chill Pumpkin Pizza with Goats Cheese & Maple Syrup
55 minutes
NaN Serves
Pizza is pretty much universally loved plus its easy to share with family & friends! So, if you are craving some delicious pizza, try this version from our friends at El Diablo - it's our favourite pizza recipe!
To Make Tomato Sugo:
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 1\/2 tablespoon minced garlic
- 2 cans whole peeled tomatoes
- 1 teaspoon pepper and sea salt
- 10 fresh basil leaves
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- half a medium sized butternut pumpkin
- 1 tablespoon cummin seeds
- 1\/2 tablespoon chilli flakes
- 2 tablespoons maple syrup
- 100 grams mozzarella
- 296 grams bakers flour (10% protein)
- 197 grams semolina (fine)
- half teaspoon yeast (dry)
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 315 grams water
- 1 teaspoon olive oil
- To Make the Pizza Bases
- Add Flour, Semolina, Yeast, Salt, Sugar to mixer bowl. Using paddle attachment mix for 1 minute to distribute dry ingredients.
- Add Water then Olive Oil. This reduces the Olive Oil clumping in the dry ingredients.
- Fit dough hook. Mix on 1st speed for two minutes, then mix on 2nd speed for two minutes. The dough should be smooth and easy to stretch.
- Turn out onto a lightly oiled surface. (use canola spray).
- Using a scale cut dough into 160 gm pieces. Form into balls.
- Rest covered in lightly oiled clingwrap for 10 minutes to allow the gluten to relax.
- On lightly floured surface, use a rolling pin to roll ball out to 2- 3 mm which should give you a base just over 9 inches.
- Place on lightly floured pizza peel and top with ingredients.
- To Prepare Tomato Sugo & Topping -
- Gently fry garlic in olive oil for 1 min (medium heat - don't burn garlic).
- Add canned tomatoes, stir. Shred & add basil leaves, stir. Add pepper & sea salt, stir.
- Let sugo boil and then turn down heat and simmer for 20-30minutes.
- Turn off heat, blitz with a hand held blender. Let sauce cool down & refrigerate until pizza bases are ready.
- Pre-heat oven to 240 degrees (C).
- Cut pumpkin into thin wedges (about 1 cm thickness) and place in a bowl and toss pumpkin in olive oil.
- Place pumpkin wedges on a tray with baking paper.
- Mix chilli flakes and cumin seeds in a bowl.
- Using a teaspoon sprinkle cumin & chilli flakes over pumpkin wedges, turnover wedges and sprinkle with cumin and chilli mixture.
- Place in oven for about 15 minutes until just slightly softened.
- Spread tomato sugo over pizza base.
- Cover base with mozzarella. Place cooked pumpkin wedges with cumin & chilli over pizza base.
- Crumble goats cheese evenly over pizza.
- Preheat oven (& stone) or pizza maker or wood fired oven. Cook pizza on a stone in the oven or in pizza maker wood fired oven at 380-400 degrees Celsius.
- Remove when cooked (3-5 minutes).
- Drizzle with lots of maple syrup, to finish.